

DG Marine is not your typical institute or academy; it is an esteemed online educational platform dedicated to providing comprehensive resources for DG Shipping-related marine exit exams. As a leading marine online learning group, DG Marine offers seafarers the opportunity to prepare for their exams without incurring any additional costs.

With a team of experienced marine professionals at its helm, DG Marine manages the website [], which serves as a hub for seafarers seeking to practice and excel in their DG Shipping courses. The best part? All of DG Marine's services are completely free of charge

DG Marine Online Exit Exam Group.

Basic STCW Courses Exit Exam Questions and Answers

The Basic Modular Courses (BMC) are a series of short, focused training courses that provide seafarers with the knowledge and skills they need to perform their duties safely and effectively on board ships. The BMC are based on the STCW (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping) convention, which sets out the standards for the training and certification of seafarers.