HomeRPST MCQ📢 Q. What is the best procedure for picking up a lifeboat at sea while utilizing the lifeboat's sea painter? 📢 Q. What is the best procedure for picking up a lifeboat at sea while utilizing the lifeboat's sea painter? Author Name : DG Shipping Date Thursday, February 09, 2023 Q. What is the best procedure for picking up a lifeboat at sea while utilizing the lifeboat's sea painter? A. Place the lifeboat ahead and to windward of your vessel with the wind about broad on the bow of your ship. B. Place the lifeboat ahead and to leeward of your ship with the wind about broad on the bow of your ship. C. Place your ship to windward of the lifeboat with the wind on the quarter to allow your ship to drift down to the lifeboat. D. Place the lifeboat ahead and to windward of your ship with the wind about broad on the quarter of your ship. << Previous Next >>
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