PST Exit Exam Online Test - [Set 1]
Looking to ace your (Personal Survival Techniques) PST Exit Exam online test? Look no further than our comprehensive guide! Our expert tips and tricks will help you prepare for the exam and ensure your success. With easy-to-follow study materials and practice tests, you'll be ready to tackle any question that comes your way. Start preparing today!
- Should have completed Personal Survival Techniques (PST) offline training class.
- Should have completed Personal Survival Techniques (PST) online e-learning.
- Should have completed Personal Survival Techniques (PST) online e-learning Exam.
- A set of 100 MCQs in PDF format. During the exam, you will be asked 30 random MCQs from this set.
- The examination duration will be 30 minutes.
- The examination will comprise of 30 MCQ
- inclusive of 30 Personal Survival Techniques (PST) based questions
- Each question answered correctly is awarded 1 mark.
Total number of Questions: 30
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